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Same company, great new platform and name!

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Tourism Attractions

Tourism Attractions

Whether it's a self-guided city app or a guided experience of a neighborhood, apps for tourists have exploded in popularity over the past few years. Use the STQRY Builder to create an experience you can upload to your own devices or visitors can use their own to feel like a real local.

Take Your Visitors on a Journey

Self-guided tours

Self-guided tours

Create walking tours, cycling tours and driving tours for visitors to explore on their own as they travel through your site. Include interactive maps for easy navigation and add multimedia content to engage them in the local culture and history. From heritage trails to art walks and beyond, our STQRY platforms make it simple to publish and share your content.

Guided tours

Guided tours

Use the STQRY Builder to upload your tour content in all different languages to your own devices for guided tours. Works anywhere from boats, busses, cars, trains and even planes. 

Location-based tours

Location-based tours

Alert visitors to destinations, monuments and attractions with geo-alerts. Add multimedia content with our autoplay functionality to share the background and history of each site, all while making it an effortless experience for your users.


See how STQRY works for our clients

Ruka Africa

Ruka Africa

Explore Mt. Kilimanjaro from above with the Ruka Africa tours app. This exciting experience was customized to alert users to the sites and destinations below all from inside a helicopter.

iOS Android

Cultural Tourism DC

Cultural Tourism DC

Cultural Tourism DC shows both visitors and residents real experiences that reveal the soul of the city.


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